Transform how you read the Bible with Eternity Now

Sep 15, 2022

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I received a complimentary copy of the NET Eternity Now: The New Testament Series as a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid in exchange for an honest review. You can find even more information here, and I'd love for you to check out the Bible for sale here. #BibleGatewayPartner

Transform how you read the Bible with Eternity Now

Transform how you read the Bible with Eternity Now NT

Do you ever have a hard time reading the Bible?

Have you ever wanted to read the Bible without the distraction of awkward verse numbers?

Do you love to read novels, but just can’t seem to stay focused when you try to read scripture?

Eternity Now: The New Testament Series is the solution!

This wonderful series is a composition of all of the books in the New Testament, but in novel form. You can read the Bible and just get right down to it. No extra fluff, no confusing numbers or sentence breaks, just scripture cover to cover (to cover, to cover, to cover, to cover…because there are five books in the set!)

How does Eternity Now get all of those Bible books into novel form?

Eternity Now

People have put a lot of work into translating and organizing the Bible so that Bible readers can more easily read and understand it, locate passages, reference verses, and even memorize scripture. All that man-made organizing can often be distracting, though. It can also cause us to forget that all those reference numbers, titles, passage breaks, and other methods of organizing the Bible were put there by people and we can get a bit finicky about how verses are quoted and referenced.

The Bible is God’s continuous story of creation, redemption, and eternity and this is important for us all to keep in mind as we read and strive to understand God’s Word. Eternity Now puts the New Testament books into paperback novels that make sense to go together based on common themes and reads as a continuous story like you would read your favorite novel series. It also comes in Kindle form for those of us who like to read on our devices.

The books of the Bible are put together in the following five novels:

Eternity Now comes in the NET translation, which is easy to read but still true to the message of the gospel. It is a translation that is growing in popularity and in other NET Bibles, you can even get all the notes and commentaries the translators had when putting it together, which is pretty incredible! (Look for an NET translation breakdown to come).

How can Eternity Now transform how I read the Bible?

Eternity Now New Testament

Eternity Now is fantastic for anyone wanting to draw closer to the Lord and gain a deeper understanding of His Word with fewer distractions. The ability to more easily read the Bible in raw form is incredible. I love to read, and I spend countless hours reading the Bible as well as other books. With this, I can throw one in my bag and take it with me anywhere, and even imagine better what it would be like to be in the story like I can do so easily with novels.

Eternity Now is also a great way to recommend the Bible to others who may be intimidated by reading a standard Bible. Someone who may not even consider picking up a standard Bible may grab a copy of Eternity Now and read the Bible for the very first time. This is a powerful tool for us to share the gospel in a way more people will be drawn to participate in.

You can also take your annual Bible-in-a-year reading plans to a whole new level and not feel left behind. With clear-cut novel layouts, reading the entire New Testament is not a daunting task anymore with Eternity Now. I don’t know about you, but I have started MANY annual Bible reading plans. I have completed it a couple of times, but it was a lot to tackle. This can definitely help us tackle the New Testament all the way through.

Do I recommend Eternity Now?

I recommend Eternity Now to anyone who enjoys reading novels, wants to read the whole New Testament all the way through, wants to recommend a less daunting way for others to read the Bible, as well as for those who want to read the Bible with fewer distractions and just get down to God’s Word more seamlessly.

Eternity Now: The New Testament Series is a great addition to any collection of Bibles and Bible study resources. It will help you focus on the Word of God, and therefore draw you closer to Him with every page. Learn more about God, His Word, and what it all means for you with the Eternity Now: The New Testament Series.

Where to get your copy of Eternity Now

Eternity Now is published by Thomas Nelson and can be purchased at the following places:

Transform how you read the Bible with Eternity Now

Have you accepted the grace of God?

If you have not accepted the grace of God and chosen to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to pray to God now and invite Him in, accept Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, and repent of your sins. Submit it all to God, lay it at His feet, seek the forgiveness of God, welcome Him into your life, and believe that Jesus died and rose again to save you from your sins.

If you would like to learn more about salvation, you can find a couple of studies that may help here:

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