Who wrote the books of Romans and who did they write it to?
Paul wrote the book of Romans to all Christians in Rome, some Jews and mostly gentiles, a church in which he had not founded and had never visited.
When did the events of the book of Romans happen?
The book of Romans was likely written around AD 57.
What is the setting of the book of Romans?
Paul likely wrote this letter while in Corinth on his third missionary journey, just before his journey to Jerusalem.
What is the purpose of the book of Romans?
- Revelation of God’s Righteousness (Romans 1-8)
- Condemnation (Romans 1-3)
- Justification (Romans 3-5)
- Sanctification (Romans 6-8)
- Vindication of God’s Righteousness (Romans 9-11)
- Application of God’s Righteousness (Romans 12-15)
- Christian duties (Romans 12-13)
- Christian liberties (Romans 14-15)
- Conclusion (Romans 16)
How does the book of Romans apply to my life?
- Explains why and how the gospel of Christ is God’s power to save those who believe and clearly explains the resurrection of Christ.
- Enforces that righteousness is by grace through faith, not through works of the Law.
- Defines the righteousness of God, condemnation, justification, and sanctification.
- Helps Christians understand what it means to be chosen by and restored to God.
- Makes plain how God’s righteousness applies to the daily lives of all Christians.
- Describes the sinfulness of humankind in detail.
- Addresses the spiritual gifts given to believers.
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Romans was written to a mixed audience of Jews and gentiles. It challenges secular and pagan beliefs, as well as instills spiritual confidence in believers. This letter from Paul to the Romans is packed with his systemic defense for the gospel as well as encouragement and instruction in Christian living, Christian freedom, and ways in which we are called to present ourselves as followers of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the book of Romans, Paul provides vital wisdom, guidance, and testimony that is important for all Christians to take to heart. This is commonly known as an incredibly convicting book.

Have you accepted the grace of God?
If you have not accepted the grace of God and chosen to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to pray to God now and invite Him in, accept Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, and repent of your sins. Submit it all to God, lay it at His feet, seek the forgiveness of God, welcome Him into your life, and believe that Jesus died and rose again to save you from your sins.
If you would like to learn more about salvation, you can find a couple of studies that may help here:
- Names of Jesus: Savior
- Don’t Neglect Your Salvation
- Prayer of Salvation
- What is grace and why do we need it?
- What does it mean to be justified by grace?
- Don’t Reject God’s Grace
- Don’t Reject Christ
- Godly Women – what it means to live a godly life
- Redeemed Women – what it means to be redeemed
- What is Biblical Love?
- What are Spiritual Gifts?
- How to live in Spirit and Truth
- How to test what is pleasing to God
- Names of Jesus as the Son of God
- Names of Jesus as the Son of Man
- Names of Jesus as the Truth