Top 5 Christian Books To Read As A Family

Oct 4, 2021

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I personally LOVE to read a plethora of books. As a mom, I love to find all kinds of great books for my kiddo to read, which as a Christian family can be very difficult. I enjoy finding books I can read with my family, as well as look for books I can read on my own, but I especially look for books that honor God. Today I want to tell you about my top 5 Christian books to read as a family.

Some of my favorite books have been those I can read with my family. My kiddo is getting older, as they do, and she is also an avid reader herself. We love to read together at bedtime every night and need books that we can all understand as well as that we can all learn from. I would love to share my top 5 Christian books that I have read with my family.

#1 Unshakable Hope by Max Lucado

Unshakable Hope by Max Lucado has quickly become one of my favorite reads. I enjoyed it so much that we have started going through a 12-week study with it in our Vineyard Women’s Group. The way the world is right now, the state of our economy, the effects of the pandemic, all added on top of everything else we were already facing have caused so much panic, a shaking of hope and faith. This book was so helpful to my family and I am loving the study with the ladies as well.

096140: Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of GodUnshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God
By Max Lucado / Thomas Nelson

Nothing lifts us out of fear and weariness like hope. An anchor through life’s storms, hope buoys our spirits and seeks to make a way when we face tough times. After 40 years of ministry and speaking to hurt hearts, Max Lucado has learned that the promises of God will give you the strength you need. Each chapter in Unshakable Hope explores one Biblical promise that will help equip you to face every day with courage. Includes reflection questions for individual or group study.

#2 The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

I read the entire series of the Chronicles of Narnia this past year and my kiddo has also read it. We didn’t read this one together, yet, but I loved it so much I plan to reread the whole series as a family before long. It is such a wonderful 7-book series by an acclaimed Christian author, C.S. Lewis, that truly gets you thinking about the Bible story. I highly encourage this series to adults and children. It is a pretty easy read but incredibly enjoyable no matter your age.

44280: The Chronicles of Narnia: 7-Volume Slipcased Softcover SetThe Chronicles of Narnia: 7-Volume Slipcased Softcover Set
By C.S. Lewis / HarperOne

Once your children have followed Lucy through the back of a magic wardrobe – and met Aslan, the Christlike lion – they’ll never be the same! Kids adore these classics for their imaginative story lines and adults appreciate the rich Christian symbolism. This softcover set is perfect for young children and families that are on the go.

Each volume in this 7 book softcover set includesstunning new cover art by Cliff Nielsen. The individual books include approximately 200 pages and measure 4.25″ by 7.25″. This set also includes an attractive slipcase in which the books can be safely stored and attractively displayed.

#3 How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado

How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado is actually what we are currently reading as a family, and we are enjoying it immensely. Max Lucado has become one of my favorite authors to read with my family as his books are so thorough, yet written in such a way that the whole family can grasp easily and be edified and encouraged by. This one is definitely toward the top of my list of books I recommend for everyone to read.

We live in a world that teaches all kinds of things about happiness, but through How Happiness Happens Max Lucado walks us through practical applications of Biblical teachings and principles for the true meaning of happiness.

096133: How Happiness Happens: Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet ExpectationsHow Happiness Happens: Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations
By Max Lucado / Thomas Nelson

In a world searching for happiness, bestselling author Max Lucado provides a personal plan for a life filled with lasting and fulfilling joy, supported by Jesus’ teaching and modern research.

Do you feel happy?

How long has it been since you felt a level of contagious, infectious, unflappable, unstoppable happiness? Maybe your answer is, “All the time.” If so, God bless you! (And consider suggesting this book to someone who needs it.) For many of us the answer is, “Well, it’s been a while. I used to be happy, but then life took its toll.”

Only one-third of Americans surveyed said they were happy. How can this be? Education is accessible to most. We’ve made advancements in everything from medicine to technology, yet 66 percent of us can’t find an adequate reason to check the “yes” box on the happiness questionnaire.

Worldwide, people profess that happiness is their most cherished goal. Marketers get this. “Want to be happy?” they ask. Eat at this restaurant, drive this car, wear this dress. Happiness happens when you lose the weight, get the date, find the mate, or discover your fate. It’s wide, this way to happiness. Yet, for all its promise, it delivers a fragile joy; here one day, tomorrow scattered by the winds of comparison, disappointment, or unmet expectations.

Max writes, “There is another option. It requires no credit card, monthly mortgage, or stroke of fortune. Age and ethnicity aren’t factors…an unexpected door to joy.”

In this book Max shares the unexpected path to a lasting happiness, one that produces reliable joy in any season of life. Based on the teachings of Jesus and backed by modern research, How Happiness Happens presents a surprising but practical way of living that will change you from the inside out.

#4 Grace by Max Lucado

Grace by Max Lucado was definitely one of my favorites because Max Lucado really puts grace into real perspective and applicable examples. My family and I definitely had a fire as well as a better understanding of the grace of God after reading this book and encouraged me to learn how to display grace and even explain grace better to others.

911769: Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We ImagineGrace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine
By Max Lucado / Thomas Nelson

In Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine, Max Lucado calls readers back to consider the abundant richness of God’s offer. It’s an offer to live a changed life, a call to genuine transformation and the courage to see it through. Don’t let grace pass you by. When you let it in, it will rock your world, and change your heart.

As believers in Christ, we claim to understand grace. From Sunday school to adulthood we’ve been taught that we’re saved by grace. We know the Bible verses and the sinner’s prayer, but have we really taken hold of it? Or rather, has it taken hold of us?

Grace isn’t a nice idea. It’s not a song lyric, or a warm, fuzzy feeling. It’s the radical life of Christ lived in you. Grace gives you the freedom to love the unlovable, and forgive the unforgivable, because you know how much you’re loved, and know how much you’ve been forgiven. Softcover.

#5 God Will Carry Your Through by Max Lucado

God Will Carry You Through by Max Lucado was one of the first books we read as a family. It ignited the desire to make it a nightly routine, and it also helped us in a stressful point in this crazy pandemic. With so much happening around us this was such an encouraging read for us to go through together.

323111: God Will Carry You ThroughGod Will Carry You Through
By Max Lucado / Thomas Nelson

Looking for answers to replace your tears? Running low on hope for the future? Spending more time with discouragement than joy?

Sooner or later, life turns us upside down. Sooner or later, we all encounter the pain and disappointments of life. When life gets hard, the road to peace may not be painless. It may not be quick. But God will use your struggle for good. Trust him. God will carry you through.

Includes a presentation page for gift-giving. Hardcover.

How do we read as a family?

We love to read as a family. I also love to use my Kindle Oasis while my kiddo uses her kid’s Kindle or reads along on my phone using the Kindle app. This lets us read along together better, or gives us the flexibility to trade off reading turns. Sometimes I read, other times my husband or child read, but having multiple devices has been really helpful for us to allow whoever wants to read to do so while the rest follow along.

For those who have Amazon Prime, you may not know that it includes Prime Reading which allows you to basically “check out” books for free like you would from a library. There is also Kindle Unlimited which is a monthly subscription that unlocks tons more books and can be incredibly cost-effective for a nightly family reading routine. And of course there is also Audible which is awesome for those who prefer to be read to.

Whatever you love to read, and whether you prefer digital or physical books, I hope you will find these recommendations helpful for your family. I would love to invite you to share what your favorite books to read are, whether with your family or on your own.

What encouragement would you like to share with fellow parents looking for Christian books for our kids?

What recommendations would you make in looking for books to read on your own?

What authors do you love to read that encourage you in your faith and relationship with Jesus?

Let us know below!

Have you accepted the grace of God?

If you have not accepted the grace of God and chosen to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to pray to God now and invite Him in, accept Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, and repent of your sins. Submit it all to God, lay it at His feet, seek the forgiveness of God, welcome Him into your life, and believe that Jesus died and rose again to save you from your sins.

If you would like to learn more about salvation, you can find a couple of studies that may help here:

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