Have you ever felt rejected? Have you ever thought you would never be accepted anywhere, or by anyone? You ever think maybe you have gone too far, sin too much, broken too many “rules” to find peace or acceptance?
This is the lie Satan wants you to believe, but I promise you it is all far from the truth.
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:8
“Love covers a multitude of sins.” In other words, love is unconditional. Love does not give up. Love prevails. Love has the power to bring you back to spiritual life, and God is the source of love. God loves us no matter how far we run away, how badly we mess up, and no matter how many people may reject us.
Think about this – Jesus was sent to earth to be rejected and sacrificed so that we could have a relationship with God. God wanted a relationship with us, us sinful creatures, so much that He sent His son to earth knowing what He would experience so that we could be with God. There was an incredible purpose to the suffering and rejection Jesus experienced. He was the most rejected man in existence, and now He sits at the right hand of God.
People are sinful, hurtful, hateful, dirty creatures. We need God and God wants us despite the filth and grime, despite the sin and human rejection we receive. God seeks us out even when the whole world rejects us, hates us, persecutes us. God went the furthest lengths possible in order to pull us close to Him. He made us special. He made us who we are. He made us to be in relationship with Him and He will do whatever He needs to in order to show you the love and blessings He has stored up for you.
With God, you are welcome even when the whole world feels like it is against you. You are never alone, never unloved, never lost. You are special to the God who created you because He simply loves and wants you no matter where you have been, no matter where you come from, no matter what you’ve done.