How Spurgeon and the Psalms helped me understand and apply the psalms to my life

Jun 11, 2022

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Spurgeon and the Psalms

I received a complimentary copy of the NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms as a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid in exchange for an honest review of this Bible. #BibleGatewayPartner

Can Spurgeon and the Psalms help me understand and apply the psalms to my own life?

The NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms is a beautiful book of the Psalms that coordinates many of Charles Spurgeon’s sermons with the Psalms of scripture. At the beginning of every Psalm is a sermon passage from Charles Spurgeon’s notes that helps to explain that psalm for the reader. NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms is a great tool to help those who wish to read through the Psalms make a habit of reading them regularly, and aids in the reader’s understanding of the Psalms.

253438: NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms, Maclaren Series--soft leather-look, blackNKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms, Maclaren Series–soft leather-look, black
By Thomas Nelson

This book comes in the NKJV translation, which is a great translation to read alongside commentary from Charles Spurgeon. Charles Spurgeon is known as the “Prince of Preachers” and lived in the Victorian Era from 1834-1892. He is well known for exemplifying Christian virtues in life and ministry, and his sermons are commonly referenced even still today. His Victorian Era preaching style combined with the elegance of the NKJV translation and the teachings of the Psalms is a powerful combination for any Bible reader to enjoy and learn from.

Reading the Psalms alongside sermons from the Prince of Preachers is a wonderful way for Bible readers to gain a deeper insight and understanding of the many teachings and themes throughout the Book of Psalms in the Bible. Charles Spurgeon was passionate and did not hesitate to teach about salvation through Christ, and help his congregation, and therefore many generations to follow, the importance of full dependance and faith in Christ alone.

His teachings have truly helped me gain a deeper grasp on scripture through NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms as well as his other works, such as his sermons and a helpful Spurgeon Study Bible. His teachings are always scripture and Christ focused, drawing Bible readers and sermon hearers to the Truth of Jesus. I greatly enjoy learning more about God and His Word with the help of Charles Spurgeon’s sermons and commentary.

Can Spurgeon and the Psalms help me get into a habit of reading the psalms?

Not only have I enjoyed reading NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms and other Charles Spurgeon resources, but NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms is a wonderful way to get into the habit of reading the Psalms daily. Having this lovely little leatherbound book of Psalms with a bright blue ribbon bookmark conveniently packaged with Spurgeon’s commentary at the start of every Psalm makes it easy to use the book as a sort of Bible reading plan. It is a great book to use for daily devotionals in a morning Bible routine, or even a bedtime scripture story with your family or on your own.

Spurgeon and the Psalms
Spurgeon and the Psalms

Do I recommend Spurgeon and the Psalms?

I highly recommend NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms to all who have an appreciation and knack for absorbing Victorian Era language and wish to form a habit of reading the Psalms. It is a fantastic resource for helping Bible readers gain a deeper understanding of the Psalms and from there navigate better how to apply it to one’s own life. The Christ-centered sermons of Charles Spurgeon are sure to encourage and enlighten anyone seeking to understand God’s Word more personally and to grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord.

Where can I buy Spurgeon and the Psalms?

You can find NKJV Spurgeon and the Psalms at the following locations, and more.

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Have you accepted the grace of God?

If you have not accepted the grace of God and chosen to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to pray to God now and invite Him in, accept Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, and repent of your sins. Submit it all to God, lay it at His feet, seek the forgiveness of God, welcome Him into your life, and believe that Jesus died and rose again to save you from your sins.

If you would like to learn more about salvation, you can find a couple of studies that may help here:

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