As a woman, a wife, mom, and homemaker I have been really convicted by Proverbs 31:15, and this verse in particular. This passage is about a Godly Woman, and v. 15 declares that “she rises while it is still night” to take care of her household. The last time I studied Proverbs 31, and I have studied this many times over the last many years in different stages of my faith and life, this really stuck with me.

She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household and portions for her female servants.

Proverbs 31:15 CSB
Proverbs 31:15
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Now, the point isn’t necessarily that the godly woman must get up in the middle of the night. The point is that there is godly wisdom in rising early to tend to the needs of the household. There is wisdom in taking quiet time at the beginning of the day to prepare for the day ahead.

One thing to remember is that we are ALL, men and women alike, the Bride of Christ, and should take the example and wisdom of the Proverbs 31 woman upon ourselves. We can discern that there is wisdom in rising early to prepare ourselves and our household for the day ahead. Being intentional about how we begin our day has a great impact on an entire day.

I encourage all of us to heed this wisdom and begin each day with intention, focusing on actively preparing for the day the Lord has made for us. Pray over what this means for you today and every day, and give the day to Him and His plans for you, your home, household, whatever the dynamic and circumstances. Prayerfully begin your day set on God and His plans for you.

Godly wisdom from Proverbs 31_15
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