Who wrote the book of Galatians and who did they write it to?

The book of Galatians is a letter written to the churches within the region of Galatia.

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When did the events of the book of Galatians happen?

If written to South Galatia on Paul’s first missionary journey it was written around 48-50 AD. If it was written to North Galatia in the second missionary journey it was written around 55-57 AD.

What is the setting for the book of Galatians?

It is clear that there were a lot of cultural and ethnic influences causing confusion and leading new believers into false teaching throughout the churches in Galatia.

What is the purpose of the book of Galatians?

  1. Introduction (Galatians 1)
  2. Presentation & Defense of the Gospel (Galatians 2)
  3. Gift of Grace & Purpose of the Law (Galatians 3)
  4. Who we are in Christ (Galatians 4)
  5. Christian Freedom & Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5)
  6. Bearing with one another in Christ (Galatians 6)

How does the book of Galatians apply to my life?

  • Encouragement to pursue a life of holiness in the knowledge of God’s grace rather than in our own power.
  • Reaffirms the true gospel of Jesus and emphasizes the authenticity of Paul’s message.
  • Justification is by faith in Jesus rather than keeping the Law.
  • Declares Christian freedom from the Law and for service to God.
  • Provides guidelines for Christian living.
  • Explains the fruit of the Spirit, which are the attributes of God that Christians display as evidence of true faith in Christ as a result of walking in the Spirit.
  • Encourages Christians to fellowship, share burdens, walk in Christ together, and to not give up hope.


It is uncertain whether Paul wrote Galatians to North or South Galatia, making it unclear when he wrote it and at what point in his missionary journey. Regardless, it is clear that it was meant for all generations of God’s people.

There had been confusing teachings by Judiazers to new Christian converts about their legalistic teachings. As a result of this, Paul writes to the Galatians to encourage them in the truth of the gospel, the differences between the Law and the Gospel, justification by faith, explanation of faith and works, Christian liberty, walking in the Spirit, and so much more.

This letter is short yet packed with crucial guidance and wisdom for every follower of Jesus to learn and apply to their lives.

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