Chronological Gospels: Matthew 9-10
Throughout Matthew 9 and 10 several key things happen. The first is Jesus healing a paralyzed man and telling him that his sins are forgiven. At this, some of the scribes thought Jesus was a blasphemer because only God can forgive sins. I love what happens next. Don’t miss the lesson here – Jesus calls them out for their thoughts and the evil in their heart. Jesus is showing them that He knows their every thought, their intent, and the condition of their hearts. They were inwardly accusing Jesus of blaspheming, and Jesus responded in a way that proved His divinity and authority.
How does this lesson convict or encourage you? Why?
Jesus then tells the paralyzed man to get up, pick up his mat, and go home – and he did! Now many of the people saw this and gave glory to God in their amazement. In every situation there is something to learn. We can even learn from the experiences of the critics and doubters. Here we get to see Jesus prove His divinity to the scoffers, and can praise God for the incredible works done knowing that the same Christ who performed these miracles and discerns the very thoughts and intentions of all people indwells every believer who has faith in Him.
What does knowing Christ indwells you mean to you?
Jesus goes and to perform many more miracles, and every time we read about these miracles we can be reminded of His glory, power, authority, and great love for mankind. He came to save us, and when He accomplished the works on the cross and ascended to Heaven, He gave His Spirit to those who would believe in Him.
ater, after Jesus calls Matthew, a tax collector, to follow Him the Pharisees question his companionship. Jesus again has an important lesson to teach us. He came to save those who recognize their need for a Savior. He came for the broken sinners like you and me who know that we cannot be enough, but that He is.
Reflect this week on what Christ has saved you from. Remember how He has shown up before, and pray over areas you are currently struggling and holding onto.
Throughout Matthew 9 and 10 one lesson is particularly prominent. We see Jesus questioned, doubted, mocked, and read about many seeking to entrap Him. We see so many difficulties He faced in His earthly ministry, and then He goes on to give us some needed encouragement. Jesus tells us that those who have faith in Him have no need to be afraid. He will always provide for His people. He wants us to take up our cross, to pick up every burden and sin, and carry it to the cross, and lay it down where it has been put to death. Recognize that His sacrifice is enough. We can find rest in Him as we lay it all down at the foot of the cross.
What are you holding onto and struggling to lay down at the cross? What can you do to take steps forward in faith?