Chronological Gospels: Luke 14-15
In Luke 14 and 15 Jesus teaches through many parables. The very first lesson of Luke 14 is about the Sabbath. The Pharisees had made many rules and regulations regarding the Sabbath and turned it from its intended day of rest and rejuvenation to a day of stressful and seemingly impossible restrictions on the Jewish people. They had made it clear the Sabbath rules were more important than spiritual matters and miracles, and here in Luke 14 we see Jesus again address this matter.
Jesus healed a man and then proceeded to tell the Pharisees how hypocritical their Sabbath laws and actions were. He pointed out that they’d of course save a son or even an Ox if he were injured on the Sabbath, but that they get angry when Jesus performs a healing miracle on the Sabbath. These moments in scripture lead me to reflect on my own heart and intentions about my personal Sabbath day of rest.
How do you take a Sabbath day of rest, and what might you need to change about it?
Jesus then goes on to teach in parables about the value of humility and generosity. What struck me also is that these parables also teach on the importance of heeding God’s invitation to Himself. We are all invited to the table, but if we decline His invitation we deny His blessings, provisions, and a relationship with Him. Eventually, there will be no more invitations.
What stands out to you in these parables about who Christ is and your own relationship with Him?
As sons and daughters of the King of kings we can find much in common with these parables. The parable of the prodigal son, for instance, has 2 examples of sons that we can learn from. One, the younger, is the prodigal most can relate to in some way. We can be encouraged in that God is like the loving father who welcomes his prodigal son back with love and joy when he returns with a repentant heart.
The other son is often overlooked but serves as an important example as well. Whenever I read this story, I pray that my heart is not like the older brother who was feeling bitter and entitled, and in this seems to harbor unforgiveness toward his repentant brother. Not only this, but this son displays that he serves his father with ill intentions. He only seeks what he can gain and is bitter at what he feels is a lack of reward for his service. I pray I serve my Heavenly Father with a heart of grateful service and not fall into the bitterness this son displays toward his father.
What encouragement do you find in these parables today?
Be encouraged that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you, cares for you, and rejoices with you when you come to Him in repentance and humility. Blessed are those who show generosity, forgiveness, and kindness to others, and who encourage others to draw near to our Heavenly Father who is ready to forgive and restore His lost sheep.
Take time to pray on these lessons and meditate on them, remembering who God truly is and who He calls you to be – His child whom He loves.