Chronological Gospels: Luke 10; John 10:22-42
This week’s readings gave me quite a lot to think about and I hope the same will be said for you. We catch up with Jesus in Luke 10 when He sends out 72 disciples in pairs to proclaim that the Kingdom of God is near, and to perform miracles in Jesus’ name by the power Jesus granted them.
The very beginning of Luke 10 is a wonderful example of what we can be praying for, and also helps me to align my heart with the Lord. Jesus tells them that the harvest is abundant but the workers are few, and encourages the disciples, as well as us now, to pray that workers will be sent out into the harvest. We should pray likewise over how we are to be workers in the harvest.
The next part is a needed reminder with this prayer. We are not responsible for the response of others to the message of the gospel. Just as Jesus tells the disciples to shake the dust off their feet, we too should do likewise. Our responsibility and calling is to proclaim, and it is the responsibility of the hearers to hear and believe. If they do not, that is up to the Lord to do His will with them.
When the disciples returned, Jesus encouraged them not to praise the works they did in the name of the Lord, but to praise the fact that their names are written in Heaven. Another valuable lesson for us today. Be humble and give all the glory and credit to God, rejoicing in that He chose us and made us part of His family. Our reward is in Heaven. Jesus then gives another beautiful example of prayer.
What does this passage teach you about prayer?
After this, someone asks a series of questions that help us to learn more about how to inherit eternity in heaven, and likewise how God calls on us to love. To inherit eternity with God we are to love God with our whole selves, and also love our neighbors as ourselves. The question seems to be asked often who counts as our neighbor, and Jesus actually gives us that answer. He tells the parable of the Good Samaritan, and then asks who in the story is the neighbor.
What does this teach you about who your neighbor is and how to love them?
I love seeing this passage where the man given his sight rebukes the Pharisees. We so often put religious teachers and scholars on a pedestal and don’t correct people we have been trained to think know more than we do. This man, though, boldly proclaims what he has been taught from scripture and believes about Jesus despite the Pharisees’ power and responses. Sometimes we need to be reminded that God gives wisdom to those who truly desire it for the right reasons, and will be with His people. This man given his sight is an incredible and inspiring example.
Who in your life has inspired and encouraged you to be bold in your faith? Explain.
After Jesus teaches us to love those who show us mercy, He moves on to stay with Mary, Martha. Mary sat at Jesus’ feet to listen to Him, while Martha was distracted with hosting. Martha in her distraction misses Jesus’ teaching, and scolds Mary, asking Jesus to make her help.
How does this story apply to your own life?
In John 10:22-42, Jesus explains that His sheep hear His voice, know Him, and follow Him. His sheep are in His protection. He also explains to those who have seen many of His miracles and still don’t believe that He and the Father are one. He also explains that if they won’t believe by His words, they should believe by His works. This struck me as an example of faith and works. Works that are evidence of faith have power to plant seeds for the gospel. For Jesus, He did miracles by the power of God to bring some to belief, and some believed simply by His words. Likewise is still true about the workers going out to harvest. Some that we meet will be convinced by the works we do in His name, and some by the Word we proclaim in His name. Those who hear and recognize Jesus will know and obey Him.