Chronological Gospels: John 7-8

In John 7 and 8 this week, we read some important narratives between Jesus and those who sought to kill him. John 7 begins with Jesus addressing his brothers’ unbelief in Him, and tells them that His time to appear in public is not yet come, but that theirs is always at hand.

This got me thinking. What does it mean that our time is always at hand? The word here for time means a time appointed by God to appear publicly. To me, this says our time to publicly proclaim our faith and believe in Him is always at hand. Our time to repent is also always at hand.

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What does this speak to you, that our time is always at hand?

As the story continues on, Jesus makes a point not to judge according to outward appearance, but according to righteous judgment. This companions with the teaching that we will be judged according to the measure we judge by. Judgment should not be based on human standards but godly standards, and not for human reasons, but instead with godly intentions. These standards and measures are found throughout God’s Word, and we can learn them as we grow in our relationship with the Lord and His Word.

Another thing this passage got me thinking about is that we tend to judge what others are doing and assume we know if the work someone is doing is for God or not. This passage is a great reminder that only God knows the heart, and only God truly has the right to judge, but we have the responsibility to come alongside one another as fellow sinning human beings to grow in faith and godliness together.

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When Jesus later makes a promise that those who believe will have living waters run through them, He is promising the gift of the Holy Spirit to believers after He ascends to Heaven. By the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we learn to become more like Christ and allow Him to change our hearts to align with Him. He is the light of the world and anyone who believes will be given His light, and will no longer walk in the darkness of sin, ignorance, unbelief, and condemnation.

Is there someone in your life to pray over confronting about their sin? Explain.

Throughout John 7 and 8, Jesus is making the point that those who believe in Him will be blessed, will be given understanding, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, and also will be children of God. Those who truly believe will live like it, following Jesus’ teachings and commands, and truly following His ways. To be a true disciple of the Lord, you will continue in His Word. Anyone who is of God will obey God because they love God. If you truly believe in Jesus, you will believe His Word, and do what it says.

How does this truth about being a true believer change your perspective?

Chronological Gospels: John 7-8

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