Chronological Gospels: John 6

This week we take a leap into John chapter 6 which is packed with some off Jesus’s more complex and difficult teachings. We see just how difficult this can be, not only for us but for the people Jesus was speaking directly to, when many of His disciples stopped following Him because what He was teaching them was too difficult for them to comprehend. I want to start out today by encouraging you to press forward! As difficult as some things are to grasp, Jesus also teaches us within this very same lesson that it is by His Holy Spirit that we are given understanding. Lean into the Holy Spirit today, and let’s explore this complex chapter.

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We begin with John’s account of the feeding of the five thousand, which we discussed last week from the other 3 gospel accounts. What really gets complicated is the people’s response after they were fed by the miracle of Jesus. They went to the other side of the water to find Jesus. Here are several key takeaways from this passage.

  • We should not chase after earthly things.
  • We cannot work for eternal life – it is a gift to those who believe.
  • Jesus is the only way to be eternally satisfied and provide for our spiritual needs.
  • Those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life.
  • God invites everyone to believe, but only some will believe and be given spiritual life.
  • If we seek to be satisfied by anything but Christ, we will never be truly satisfied.

What stands out to you the most in these key points from this week’s reading? Why?

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The most difficult thing about this chapter is the idea of Jesus as the Bread of Life. This is where most of Jesus’ disciples bailed on Him because this was too difficult for them to understand and they did not believe.

When we take communion, we take of the bread as a symbol of Jesus’ body broken for us, and drink of the wine or juice as a symbol of His blood spilled for us. Some believe these to be literal blood and flesh, and some see this as figurative. But here is the main point most can agree on – when we take the wine and bread, we do so in remembrance and honor of the sacrifice Jesus made for ourselves – us, you, me, each of us individually, and all of us entirely. With this, we are reminded, and our appreciation and love for Him should be rekindled and grown as we take time to remember His sacrifice for our sake and what He saved us from.

What are your beliefs about communion? How often do you take communion, and why do you personally do so? Reflect on this, and take some time to pray over this.

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This Bread of Life in the original language is referring to spiritual life through faith and dependence on Jesus that results in eternal life through Jesus. When we choose to believe and have faith in Jesus, the Son of God, and depend on Him, we are given spiritual life that gives true satisfaction. He satisfies our spiritual needs while we are trusting Him to guide and provide for our physical needs. Jesus wants our faith and dependence and He will satisfy us forever with true spiritual life.

What do you understand or wish you understood better about Jesus as the Bread of Life? Take some time to pray over this and reread this chapter in multiple translations.

Chronological Gospels Week 18 John 6

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