Chronological Gospels: John 5

Feb 27, 2023

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WEEK 8: John 5

This week we explore John 5 which begins with the story of Jesus healing a man at the Pool of Bethesda. The Greeks built “healing centers” around natural springs and pools because they believed the pagan god of healing would use the water to heal the sick and disabled.

They built a sort of temple around the “healing center” where the sick would sleep, pray and fast while they waited for what they believed was this pagan god and his serpents to churn the water and release the healing powers. When the natural springs would bubble up, the people would then drink or bathe in the water to experience healing miracles and lay around the pool while it was calm.

When Jesus comes to the Pool of Bethesda, he wasn’t just there to heal this man – Jesus was there to debunk yet another pagan myth and display His divine power and authority. Immediately, though, and the Jewish people there rebuked the healed man for getting up and picking up the mat he’d been sleeping on by the pool, as Jesus had instructed him to do.

It was the Sabbath and Jewish Law had a lot of rules for the Sabbath, which these people believed the healed man was violating. They focused on this man, healed by a divine miracle, breaking the rules rather than seeing the miracle for what it was.

Have there been times you miss the work of God in your life because you are focused on the wrong things? How did this impact you?

Jesus goes on to proclaim Himself the Son of God, which kindled much hatred in the hearts of the people, and also explained that anyone who does not honor Him as the Son of God does not honor God. Jesus boldly proclaims His position and authority, and rebukes and warns those who do not believe Him.

One of the key things that stands out to me is that Jesus knows the heart, thoughts, intentions, words and deeds of everyone. We do not, but He does. He knows the deepest secrets and cervices of our very hearts and minds. We cannot hide anything from Him, and He will reveal all darkness in us.

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How does this knowledge that God knows our very heart and deepest thoughts and intentions help or change you in your relationship with Him?

In John 5:28-29 Jesus gives us an important lesson. We know from all over scripture that only God is good, but here Jesus says “those who have done good things” and “those who have done wicked things”. He goes on to explain that those who have done “good things” are those who have faith in Jesus as the Son of God.

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Those who have faith in Jesus are destined for the resurrection of life, while those who do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God are destined for the resurrection of condemnation. No “good works” are done without faith in Jesus Christ, and Jesus tells us this so that we may believe and be saved, as He explains in John 5:33.

Jesus takes it further and explains that just because someone reads scripture, or says they have faith, that does not mean they have a relationship with God. Only those who have true faith in Jesus are saved and enter a personal relationship with God.

What about this passage resonates with you and why?

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Study with Me Chronological Gospels Week 8 John 5

This study is part of the Study with Me: Chronological Gospels study series. It is an annual 48-week Bible study designed to encourage readers to follow along all year and dive deeper into the meat of the passages designated each week. I pray that you learn more about your Savior and grow in your relationship with Him through this study series. There is a free printable booklet available for download as well which allows you to print and take notes as you go through this study with me.

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Have you accepted the grace of God?

If you have not accepted the grace of God and chosen to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I encourage you to pray to God now and invite Him in, accept Jesus as the sacrifice for your sins, and repent of your sins. Submit it all to God, lay it at His feet, seek the forgiveness of God, welcome Him into your life, and believe that Jesus died and rose again to save you from your sins.

If you would like to learn more about salvation, you can find a couple of studies that may help here:

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