WEEK 6: John 2-4
In this week’s study, we open up with Jesus’ first sign where He turned water into wine. I love this story in John 2 because His mother, Mary, pleaded with Jesus to help the wedding hosts and Jesus obliged. Jesus’ love for His mother is so beautiful and I love each glimpse we get into their relationship. As a mother myself, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be raising the Begotten Son of God, but I do know the love of a mother for her child and this moment is such a mom moment to me.

I also love that through this first sign it says that His disciples believed in Jesus by this display of His glory. Jesus displayed His glory in helping with the wine, which brought praise on the wedding hosts, but it also revealed Jesus’ glory and led to true belief in Him.
What about this story jumps out at you and why do you think that is?
The next part of the story tells us about a moment where Jesus was angry. This story is an easy one to miss the true message within. Jesus is showing His anger, and yes God does get angry, but remember that we are instructed to be angry and do not sin. Here, Jesus is displaying righteous anger – this is anger caused by the defiling of God’s temple by turning it into a marketplace, a place for profits to be made, versus reserving it with honor as a place of worship.
Learn more about the Gospels of Jesus:
What is the difference between righteous anger and sinful anger? Why is this important?
Chapter 3 teaches us of the importance of focusing on things of Heaven versus earthly things. Jesus explained to Nicodemus, a Pharisee, that only those born of the Spirit will understand things of Heaven, things of light. Unfortunately, people love the darkness and struggle to enter the light where their sin is revealed.

This is where Jesus says one of the most quoted passages in all of scripture – John 3:16. Don’t miss the next verses, though. Because of the love of God, He sent His only begotten Son so that those who will believe in Jesus will have eternal life – but that’s not all. Jesus came not to condemn, but to save the world through Him. The world is saved through Jesus – through faith in Jesus as the only begotten Son of God.
Those who choose to live in the light will learn the truth, love the truth, live in the truth, and shine the light of Christ wherever they go. We must be lovers of the light and not lovers of the darkness, attempting to live in and conceal our sin. We must repent and believe in the only Son of God to be saved from the penalty of sin and be born again, made alive by God’s Spirit, and receive the promise of eternity with Him.

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What about this passage stands out to you for the very first time?
Through the remainder of John 3 and into John 4 there is a very clear message – all that we have is a gift from God. When we have faith and believe in Jesus, He blesses us immeasurably, and provides rest for our souls. Jesus Christ is the Living Water for the thirsty land of our very soul.
Throughout our lives we are drawn into Jesus by our Heavenly Father. We are given a great thirst that can only be satisfied by Jesus Christ. We all long for Jesus, but so often we are deceived into thinking our longing is for things of this earth instead.
How does this news impact your life today?
Not only is Jesus the Living Water our souls long for, but He is also the Gardener of our souls. He refreshes us, satisfying the thirst of our souls, and then He plants, prunes, and waters us as we grow in our faith and relationship with Him and bear fruit of His Spirit.
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By abiding in Him, we abide in the Vine, and we bear His fruits in this world, planting seeds for the gospel in the lives of others who have not yet discovered that Jesus is what they are longing for. We have been given a great honor to be saved by the grace of God through faith in His Son, and with this we then have another great honor to be used by God for His great purposes.
How has God called on you to serve Him lately?
We see the Samaritan woman go and tell her whole village of her testimony, drawing others to Jesus, and they too came to believe in Him. Testifying to the truth of the gospel, letting the Living Water of Jesus and the fruits of His Holy Spirit plant seeds in the hearts of others through your faithfulness is a vital responsibility and privilege every Christian has.
We are called to be unashamed of the gospel, and we also are taught here that our testimony is meant to be shared with others in order to plant seeds for the gospel and help draw others to Him. We get to participate in God’s great plan, doing the work He has prepared for us to do, and sharing our own testimonies along the way.
Who in your life could you share your testimony with this week?

This study is part of the Study with Me: Chronological Gospels study series. It is an annual 48-week Bible study designed to encourage readers to follow along all year and dive deeper into the meat of the passages designated each week. I pray that you learn more about your Savior and grow in your relationship with Him through this study series. There is a free printable booklet available for download as well which allows you to print and take notes as you go through this study with me.