When I was about 14 years old, a rebellious, depressed, and utterly miserable teenager my dad told me something that at first I scoffed at but later would change a vital piece of my outlook on life.

“You can choose to be happy, or you can choose to be miserable. That is your choice and only you can make that choice for yourself.”

I thought he was crazy. How could I be happy in such unhappy circumstances? He couldn’t possibly understand what it was like, how hard it was to find happiness in my chaotic life. But after years of being completely hateful and resentful I grew completely exhausted of being upset all. the. time. And all of a sudden his words started to make sense.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called sons of God.

Matthew 5:9

We have a choice. We can choose to be at peace in our circumstances or we can choose to deny the blessings we do have in the midst of chaos. Everyone has trials, everyone suffers, everyone faces their own challenges. And everyone chooses how to respond to those circumstances. Everyone has light in the darkness to focus on, even if it is a tiny little light. We all also have God to help us move from darkness to light, from chaos to peace, from hate to love.

Strive to be a peacemaker. Strive to be an example. If you find yourself judging, resenting, lusting, hating, miserable, and upset – take a step back and seek God’s wisdom. Seek His peace and He will not fail you. It is not too late to let go of the darkness and pull back into the peace that only God can provide. You got this.

Do you need to let go of some darkness and find that light again? Where can God infiltrate your heart and guide you back to the peaceful life?

Dear Lord, Help me be a peacemaker today. Help me to see where I can be a better example, where I can release control to you, where I can let go of hurt and resentment, where I can treat people better. God please help me where I am struggling and heal me where I am broken. Bring your peace and light back into me. Please, Lord, fill me with all that is you so that I can put you on display today in the right way. Amen.

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