A Study of Lamentations with the NET Timeless Truth Bible

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A Study of Lamentations with the NET Timeless Truth Bible

The NET Timeless Truth Bible is a study Bible filled with commentary, encouragement, art, and biographies from theologians, artists, and saints throughout the history of the Church. There is edifying information from names such as Charles Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, Josephus, Erasmus, Augustine, John Bunyan, John Calvin, William Tyndale, John Wesley, and much more throughout the pages of the NET Timeless Truth Bible. There is also stunning artwork depicting Christian and Bible scenes scattered within the pages of this Bible.

The NET Timeless Truth Bible is a unique offering. There are many Bibles that include commentary from a variety of ancient giants of the Christian faith, but I have yet to find the combination of resources in this Bible anywhere else. Not only do you get the commentary from historical saints, but you get to learn about the people themselves through a plethora of included biographies. You get to be blown away by the incredible artistic gifts God has granted individuals, and the scenes the Lord inspired them to depict using their talents. There are maps, as well as information about every piece of artwork and a full list of all of the commentaries from every saint included in this Bible.

One note-worthy aspect of the quotes offered from various historical figures is that the quotes are updated to match the language styles of the NET translation. This creates better flow and understanding compared to the variety of linguistic stylings across centuries and cultures. It makes the wisdom of the scholars more accessible to the modern-day reader and Bible studier, and helps match the styling throughout all of the content without compromising context, content, and information. I also truly appreciate the generous margins for note-taking and verse art, making this a balanced study Bible for deeper study and Bible journaling.

NET Timeless Truth Bible Artwork

About Lamentations according to the NET Timeless Truth Bible

According to the book information for the book of Lamentations, it was probably written by the prophet Jeremiah (who also wrote the book of Jeremiah) to the Jews who were exiled in Babylon and “lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem.” It was written after Jerusalem fell in 586 BC as a lament of the suffering incurred in its destruction. According to the NET Timeless Truth Bible, Lamentations has themes of lament, suffering, the Lord’s goodness and mercy, as well as prayer and worship.

The Book of Lamentations is a poem of lament for the Jews who were mourning the destruction of the holy city of Jerusalem and their exile to Babylon where they were enslaved yet again. I appreciate that the NET Timeless Truth Bible tells us the letter of the Hebrew alphabet that each stanza begins with, making 4 of its 5 chapters an acrostic poem from the Hebrew alphabet, and the 5th chapter of Lamentations a prayer to conclude the lament.

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Lamentations 1 according to the NET Timeless Truth Bible

Lamentations 1 provides information from Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-c. 215), Christ the Educator. Clement of Alexandria teaches us that “it is indeed noble not to sin, but it is good also for the sinner to repent, just as it is best to always be in good health but well to recover from disease.” The first chapter of the book of Lamentations reminds us of our need for a Savior, and that we must come to recognize our sin condition and come to the Father repentant and confessing our need for His mercy.

Lamentations 2 according to the NET Timeless Truth Bible

Lamentations 2 provides information from John Calvin (1509-1564), Complete Commentary of the Bible. John Calvin, who can be a very controversial theologian to reference and study from. Calvin teaches us in chapter 2 that the constancy and fidelity of God is not invalidated, but that the attentions of His people who have become “torpid in their sloth” should be roused. Calvin goes on to explain that those who come to God should be humbled in mind and bring a sacrifice and a humble, contrite spirit. Hardened hearts must be softened so they can humble themselves before our holy God.

NET Timeless Truth Bible Lamentations Overview

Lamentations 3 according to the NET Timeless Truth Bible

Lamentations 3 features a sermon passage from Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892), Morning and Evening. Through the commentary offered by Spurgeon with Lamentations 3, we can better understand that God is our full portion – never a partial portion. The Lord is fully sufficient in Himself. Lamentations 3 focuses on who God is and what He had done for the Jewish people, and the quotations from Spurgeon helps drive the vital points home that God is enough and we are not.

Lamentations 4 according to the NET Timeless Truth Bible

Lamentations 4 gives us commentary from Matthew Henry (1662-1714), Commentary On the Whole Bible. Henry provides a necessary connection for us with Lamentations 4, where the horrors of the destruction of Jerusalem are described once more. When we look back on the events in history, Matthew Henry writes: “Beholding the sad consequences of sin in the church of old, let us seriously consider to what the same causes may justly bring down the church now.” In other words, learn from the mistakes of history. We should read these accounts and be reminded that we are susceptible to sin and the consequences thereof, and we should strive not to repeat the mistakes of those who came before us.

Lamentations 5 according to the NET Timeless Truth Bible

Lamentations 5 is again further explained by John Calvin (1509-1964), Complete Commentary of the Bible. With the concluding prayer of the Book of Lamentations, Clavin reminds us that when we are tempted to think God has left us or disregarded us in our misery, that the remedy is to look back to Him and remember it is in His timing that He answers our prayers. God does not always answer immediately, but when it pleases Him to do so. We must remember that even with the world the way it is around us, God will always remain the same. He can be relied upon to be constant, faithful, and vigilant.

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Who is the NET Timeless Truth Bible for?

Doing a brief study of the book of Lamentations with the NET Timeless Truth Bible, I believe this is a great Bible for those who want to take their study of God’s Word deeper. New believers would benefit from this beautiful resource, but I see this as a better resource for those who have more experience with Bible study and can discern the commentaries from historical figures on a more spiritually mature level. Because these commentaries are more often very deep in nature, I would also recommend this Bible to those who are strong readers or who aren’t afraid to pick up a dictionary with their Bible.

In short, I would recommend the NET Timeless Truth Bible for those with a higher reading level, and who have a bit of Bible studying experience under their belts.

Where can I get the NET Timeless Truth Bible?

You can get the NET Timeless Truth Bible at a variety of places online. I invite you to check it out at the following locations:

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